Kaffe Bueno is thrilled to be a part of the Danish Alliance for Responsible Coffee.
We believe that coffee should not only be enjoyed for its taste as a beverage, but also for its potential to benefit the environment, and the livelihoods of coffee farmers, and improve society's health.
By working together with other industry leaders, we can make a real impact in promoting responsible and sustainable coffee production.
We look forward to contributing our unique expertise in coffee by-product upcycling to the alliance and working towards a more equitable and environmentally-friendly coffee industry.
Read more about the Danish Alliance for Responsible Coffee on Etisk Handel Denmark's website and in the press release below:
New Danish Alliance works to secure coffee's future
By 2045, you may be missing your usual morning coffee. This could be the reality if the current conditions in the coffee sector continue. Therefore, a new Danish alliance for responsible coffee at Ethical Trade Denmark will work to ensure a more sustainable coffee and to improve the lives of those who grow our coffee.
Coffee is the second most traded commodity in the world, and Danish consumers are on the top five list of countries that drink the most coffee. But coffee production is filled with problems. Many places lead to deforestation and chemical emissions, and those who grow our coffee often get poor pay and work under poor conditions. At the same time, climate change means that if we continue to drink and produce coffee as we do today, we risk a world without enough coffee to quench the global population's thirst for coffee.
The coffee plant is threatened by climate change
The coffee plant is threatened by climate change according to The Climate Institute, the total amount of land suitable for coffee production will be halved by 2050 due to rising temperatures. Many coffee farmers are therefore forced to move coffee production to cooler areas in the mountains. But these land areas are covered by natural forests that must be cleared for coffee cultivation. Which costs further CO2 pollution and loss of biodiversity.
Coffee production is neither fair nor sustainable today, says the director of Ethical Trade Denmark, Nanna Callisen Bang, and states: "Our consumption affects the world, and our beloved coffee is no exception. It has a high price, which is often paid by the climate, nature, and the many millions of workers and small farmers who grow our coffee for too low a wage."
Therefore, it requires greater system changes if real changes are to occur, and the individual company cannot solve them alone. Therefore, researchers, coffee companies, retail chains, ministries, and NGOs are now joining the Danish alliance for responsible coffee with a common mission:
"The coffee we drink in Denmark must be responsible. Therefore, it is positive that a group of visionary actors across sectors and industries now come together and show action. We have a big task ahead of us to push the coffee industry in a sustainable direction where there is respect for climate, people, and the environment. It is strong that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs supports this wide, innovative cooperation across companies, organizations, and research" says Nanna Callisen Bang.
Obligatory cooperation will advance the coffee industry with common goals
The purpose of the coffee alliance is to create joint action for a responsible, resilient and fair value chain. The alliance works to protect and restore nature and biodiversity, improve coffee farmers' living conditions and invest in climate measures. An ambition that Dan Jørgensen, Minister for Development Cooperation and Global Climate Policy, sees as an important step in the green transition and which supports the Danish action plan against deforestation:
"We are a rich country that consumes a lot, and this affects the climate, nature, and people in the world. That is why it is important to have ambitious, national alliances that can create change on a larger scale. The new alliance for more responsible coffee is an important initiative that can help make Denmark a leading country for responsible and deforestation-free imports," says Dan Jørgensen, Minister for Development Cooperation and Global Climate Policy.
The new alliance includes everyone – from well-known coffee chains such as Coffee Collective and Riccos to the larger roasters such as Nestlé, BKI, Peter Larsen, Freehand Coffee, and Frellsens Kaffe, as well as the retail trade, universities, NGOs and ministries. In addition, the alliance includes innovative companies and organizations that specialize in circular coffee solutions, such as Kaffe Bueno, Connecting Grounds and Bacess.
“It is a competitive sector, but they face the same challenges. Therefore, the alliance must create the framework for collaboration to understand where the major challenges lie, share knowledge and inspiration and develop solutions that can also be scaled by the commercial actors.” says Nanna Callisen Bang.
It is a binding collaboration, where members of the alliance publish an action plan and annually report progress on the alliance's shared vision. The action plans must contain a timetable and concrete activities and efforts, which must ensure that the alliance constantly creates progress for climate, biodiversity and better conditions for the smaller coffee producers.
As the coffee plant becomes more and more threatened, it is expected that global demand for coffee will increase by up to 50% in the next 30 years.
At the same time, 125 million people globally depend on coffee as a source of income, but despite increased demand, prices for coffee farmers have fallen since 2016. Meanwhile, farmers' production costs are increasing.
The purpose of the coffee alliance is to create common action for a responsible, resilient and more fair value chain by bringing different actors in the industry together. The alliance will work to protect and restore nature and biodiversity, create value from by-products of the coffee plant, improve the living standards of coffee farmers and invest in climate measures.
Business members of the alliance: Bacess, BKI, Caf directo, Clever Coffee, Coffee By Storm, Coffee Collective, Coop, Connecting Grounds, Dagrofa, Freehand Coffee, Frellsen kaffe, Just Coffee Denmark, Kaffe Bueno, Kontra Coffee, Køge Kafferisteri, LIDL, Nestlé, Nordic Roasting, Original Coffee, Peter Larsen Kaffe, Riccos, True Intent, SLOW and ØNSK
Supporting members, who have all contributed to establish the alliance: Copenhagen Business School, Sex og samfund, Preferred By Nature, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Environment, Danish Business, Fairtrade label and Verdens Skove.
Ny dansk alliance arbejder for at sikre kaffens fremtid
I 2045 risikerer du at mangle din sædvanlige morgenkaffe. Det kan blive realiteterne, hvis de nuværende vilkår i kaffesektoren fortsætter. Derfor vil en ny dansk alliance for ansvarlig kaffe hos Etisk Handel Danmark arbejde for at sikre en mere bæredygtig kaffe og forbedre livet for de mennesker, der dyrker vores kaffe.
Kaffe er den anden mest handlede vare i verden, og danske forbrugere er på top fem listen over de lande, der drikker mest kaffe. Men kaffeproduktionen er fyldt med problemer. Mange steder leder produktionen til afskovning og udledning af kemikalier, og dem, der dyrker vores kaffe, får ofte dårlig løn og arbejder under ringe vilkår. Samtidig betyder klimaforandringerne, at hvis vi fortsætter med at drikke og producere kaffe, som vi gør i dag, kan vi risikere en verden uden nok kaffe til at stille den globale befolknings kaffetørst.
Kaffeplanten trues af klimaforandringer
Ifølge The Climate Institute vil den samlede mængde jord, der er egnet til kaffeproduktion, blive halveret inden 2050 på grund af de stigende temperaturer. Mange kaffebønder bliver altså tvunget til at flytte kaffeproduktionen til køligere områder i bjergene. Men disse landområder er dækket af naturlig skov, som må ryddes til fordel for kaffedyrkningen. Det koster yderligere CO2-påvirkning og tab af biodiversitet.
Kaffeproduktionen er i dag hverken retfærdig eller bæredygtig, fastslår direktør i Etisk Handel Danmark, Nanna Callisen Bang og udtaler:
”Vores forbrug påvirker verden, og vores højtelskede kaffe er ingen undtagelse. Den har en høj pris, som oftest betales af klimaet, naturen, og de mange millioner arbejdere og småbønder, der dyrker vores kaffe til en for lav løn.”
Det kræver derfor større systemændringer, hvis der skal ske reelle forandringer, og det kan den enkelte virksomhed ikke løse alene. Derfor er forskere, kaffevirksomheder, detailkæder, ministerier og NGO’er nu gået sammen i den danske alliance for ansvarlig kaffe med en fælles mission:
”Den kaffe vi drikker i Danmark, skal være ansvarlig. Derfor er det positivt, at en gruppe visionære aktører på tværs af sektorer og brancher nu går sammen og viser handlekraft. Vi har en stor opgave foran os med at skubbe kaffebranchen i en bæredygtig retning, hvor der er respekt for klima, mennesker og miljø. Det er stærkt, at Udenrigsministeriet støtter op om dette brede, innovative samarbejde på tværs af virksomheder, organisationer og forskning” udtaler Nanna Callisen Bang.
Forpligtende samarbejde vil rykke kaffebranchen med fælles mål
Formålet med kaffealliancen er at skabe fælles handling for en ansvarlig, modstandsdygtig og fair værdikæde. I alliancen arbejdes der for at beskytte og genoprette naturen og biodiversiteten, forbedre kaffebøndernes levevilkår og investere i klimatiltag. En ambition, som Dan Jørgensen, Minister for udviklingssamarbejde og global klimapolitik, ser som et vigtigt skridt i den grønne omstilling og som understøtter den danske handlingsplan mod afskovning:
”Vi er et rigt land, der forbruger meget, og det påvirker klimaet, naturen og mennesker i verden. Derfor er det vigtigt med ambitiøse, nationale alliancer, der kan skabe forandringer i større skala. Den nye alliance for mere ansvarlig kaffe er et vigtigt initiativ, som kan være med til at gøre Danmark til foregangsland for ansvarlig og afskovningsfri import, ” udtaler Dan Jørgensen, Minister for udviklingssamarbejde og global klimapolitik.
Den nye alliance rummer alle – lige fra velkendte kaffekæder som Coffee Collective og Riccos til de større risterier som Nestlé, BKI, Peter Larsen, Freehand Coffee og Frellsens Kaffe, samt detailhandlen, universiteter, NGO’er og ministerier. Derudover rummer alliancen innovative virksomheder og organisationer, der har specialiseret sig i cirkulære kaffeløsninger, som Kaffe Bueno, Connecting Grounds og Bacess.
”Det er en konkurrencepræget sektor, men de står over for de samme udfordringer. Derfor skal alliancen skabe rammerne for, at der kan samarbejdes om at forstå, hvor de store udfordringer ligger, dele viden og inspiration og udvikle løsninger, der også kan skaleres af de kommercielle aktører.” siger Nanna Callisen Bang.
Det er et forpligtende samarbejde, hvor medlemmer af alliancen offentliggør en handlingsplan og årligt rapporterer fremgang på alliancens fælles vision. Handlingsplanerne skal indeholde tidsplan og konkrete aktiviteter og indsatser, som skal sikre, at alliancen hele tiden skaber fremgang for klima, biodiversitet og bedre vilkår for de mindre kaffeproducenter.
I takt med at kaffeplanten bliver mere og mere truet, forventes det, at den globale efterspørgsel på kaffe vil stige op til 50 % de næste 30 år.
Samtidig er 125 millioner mennesker globalt afhængige af kaffe som indtægtskilde, men på trods af øget efterspørgsel, er priserne til kaffebønderne lave. Imens stiger bøndernes produktionsomkostninger.
Formålet med kaffealliancen er at skabe fælles handling for en ansvarlig, modstandsdygtig og mere lige værdikæde ved at bringe forskellige aktører i branchen sammen. I alliancen skal man arbejde med at beskytte og genoprette naturen og biodiversiteten, skabe værdi af biprodukter fra kaffeplanten, forbedre kaffebøndernes levestandard og investere i klimatiltag.
Virksomhedsmedlemmer i alliancen: Bacess, BKI, Caf directo, Clever Coffee, Coffee By Storm, Coffee Collective, Coop, Connecting Grounds, Dagrofa, Freehand Coffee, Frellsen kaffe, Just Coffee Denmark, Kaffe Bueno, Kontra Coffee, Køge Kafferisteri, LIDL, Nestlé, Nordic Roasting, Original Coffee, Peter Larsen Kaffe, Riccos, True Intent, SLOW og ØNSK
Støttemedlemmer, som alle har bidraget til at etablere alliancen: Copenhagen Business School, Sex og samfund, Preferred By Nature, Miljøministeriet, Dansk Erhverv, Fairtrade-mærket og Verdens skove